Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Apa Itu Arkeologi Publik?

Menurut Nick Merriman, 2004:The term ‘public archaeology’ first entered widespread archaeological use withthe publication of McGimsey’s volume of the same name in 1972. At this time, the term was associated with the practical exigencies of development-led cultural resource management (CRM), in contrast with academic archaeology and its apparent concern with wider research questions.Adapun pemahaman publiknya didasarkan pada terminologi yang diutarakan oleh Habermas, "the model for an open, critical, participatory democracy was founded in the development of a bourgeois public sphere in the eighteenth century, fuelled by developments in new kinds of public spaces such as coffee houses and salons, and in new forms of communication such as newspapers and novels" (Merriman, 2004:1-3).
 Adapun menurut Akira Matsuda dan Katsyuki Okamura, 2011:
1. "When asked to explain what public archaeologists actually do, a whole variety of answers may come up: for example, “communicate archaeology to the public,” “examine how archaeology relates to the public,” “carry out archaeology with/for the public,” and “restore archaeology to the public.” Some might find it difficult to say even whether public archaeology is a field of research or of practice. Despite this apparently quite confusing situation, we wish to propose a broad and inclusive definition of public archaeology for this book. The reason is very simple: “public” and “archaeology” have different meanings in different cultures and countries." mereka juga mengingatkan kita bahwa "The meaning of the public is also understood differently in different parts of the world."
2. Pemahaman Arkeologi Publik menurut mereka: "Since its very beginning, archaeology has in many senses always related to a much wider constituency than just archaeologists. Archaeological excavations, for example, have affected and been affected by the lives and activities of people in nearby communities. Archaeological objects have been traded and collected by and displayed to the general public. Archaeological research has produced a broad range of information and knowledge, which has not only contributed to the formation of public understanding of the past, but also has become the basis of people’s collective identities. This relationship between archaeology and the public was, however, for a long time overlooked by the great majority of archaeologists, who considered it irrelevant to the aim of their study: the understanding of the past. The establishment of public archaeology in the 1970s–1980s and its subsequent development in the 1990s and early twenty-first century was an attempt to change this state of the discourse."

Dari pemahaman di atas, terminologi arkeologi publik bisa saja berbeda, tetapi yang harus dipahami pada hakekatnya merupakan interaksi antara masyarakat/publik dengan arkeologi serta menjadi bahan evaluasi dan kritik yang membangun pada hubungan antara publik dengan masyarakat.

Akira, Matsuda dan Katsyuki Okamura, 2011. New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology. New York: Springer. hlmn:1-2.

Merriman, Nick, 2004. Public Archaeology. London And New York:Rotledge Taylor & Francis Group. hlmn.1-3.

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